

Posted on : 18/09/23

World Bounty
(repeatable board quest)

With the upcoming update; World Bounty feature will be implemented.

World Bounty is a repeatable board quest for easier leveling !

Simply approach Magical Boy and ask him to teleport you to the appropriate field nearby. Just make sure you bring Boong Boong Drinks to him. Please take note that Magical Boy will only teleport you to the nearest field which the Board is located.

You can purchase Boong Boong Drinks via vending machines. Make sure you bring a lot ! Magical Boy is very thirsty.

Once Magical Boy has teleported you to the field. Speak to the board to get the quest. The quest requires you to kill a certain number of monsters in that map. Please take note that even if there are other places which the same monster exists. The quest will only count if you are on the correct map.

To repeat the quest. Bring more Boong Boong Drinks and pour it to the Board. This will reset the quest. You can also use Boong Boong Drinks on the board to teleport you back to the nearest Magical Boy.