

Posted on : 10/05/24

Sonic Premium Pack 1 and Sonic Premium Pack 2 are now available in the Cash Shop. These packs have limited quantities and will only be available till 30 May, 1000hrs (GMT+8).

Sonic Premium Pack 1 (2500 KP)

  • Sonic Costume Selective Box (1)
  • Nyangvine Fruit (20)
  • Ultra Egg (10)

Sonic Premium Pack 2 (3500 KP)

  • Sonic Costume Selective Box (1)
  • Premium Buff Box (1)
  • Kafra Storage Bell Box (1)
  • Gym Membership Card (1)
  • Nyangvine Fruit (10)
  • Ultra Egg (15)

*All premium packs can be traded, stored and vend.

To buy the packages, go to in-game Cash Shop and select the ID tab.

To view more on the Sonic Collaboration Event, please visit here